It is one thing to say
that there are no good reasons against believing the Christian faith. It is
another to argue that there are sufficient reasons FOR believing it.
But what counts as ‘sufficient’ reason? Must it be proven
rationally by logic? Must we experience God with our five senses? Or only what
can be scientifically proven by experiments is true? Must the evidence for God
be so bomb-proof irrefutable that almost everyone will see it?

No one can be totally neutral when it comes to the question
of God’s existence. All of us have a deep desire for Him to exist or not to
exist. We all have vested interest in this.
But that does not mean we cannot discern whether a belief is
better than another. Some beliefs are
more reasonable than others, but all arguments are rationally avoidable in the end. Even scientific theories that
are tested and accepted are open to revision or abandoned in light of a better
model. They are not ‘proved’ in the strong rationalist sense.
Richard Swinburne: If God exists, we would expect the things
we see today – that there is a universe at all, that scientific laws operate in
it and that humans have consciousness and moral sense. If there is no God, you
won’t expect any of these things. Belief in God offers a better explanation for
what we experience daily than the alternatives. Bahnsen goes further: It’s the
only view that does not make nonsense of the human experience.
Gargarin thinks there is no God because he couldn’t find Him
in outer space. But that is like Hamlet (story character) searching the attic
in his castle in hope of finding Shakespeare (author). We shouldn’t expect to
prove God as if he were an object within our universe.
C.S. Lewis: I believe
in God as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because
by it I see everything else”. Look at what the sun shows us. Which belief has
more ‘explanatory power’ to make sense of what we see in the world and in
ourselves? These are the clues for God.
If God is the Author of everything, then we would find clues
to His reality that He has written into the universe (including us). If we are
made in God’s image as rational and personal beings, then we would expect some
correspondence between His mind and ours.
But reason alone won’t be enough. The Author has written
himself into the story as the main character in history when Jesus was born,
crucified and rose from the dead. The ultimate evidence for God is Jesus
Himself. He is the one we have to deal with.
So, what clues are
there for God?
Alvin Plantinga argues that belief in God is properly basic
so Christians do not have the burden to prove God. We don’t have to, but that
doesn’t mean there are no good reasons for believing in God (if we want to).